George's Page

Kindergarden picture
My Kindergarten picture. I am in the back row, the 5th kid in the plaid shirt from the left. My teacher's name is remembered as
Ms. "Man-doughnuts". I can only assume it is Ms. McDonald or something like that.

AirForce picture
My phase II Medical Technology class at WilFord Hall Medical Center in San Antonio where I met Connie, 1972. Back row from left to right: Alan Henderson, Bill Emerson, Kelley Alvarez, George Resendes and Luis Acevedo.

PA class picture
My Graduating PA class at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Dallas, 1980. From Left to Right: Back Row: Blair Monhollon, Mike Sullivan, Stephen Smolewski & Ronald Washak; Middle row: John Henevadl, Donald Hahne, Ron Greico, George Resendes & Jerry Lynch; Front row: Alan Deissinger, Ricky Burrescia, Cheryl Olson, Mark Bayliss and Amanda Pearson. Missing is Linell Greig who missed the graduation ceremony and Jim Broyles who was cut from the program before graduation.

Picture taken July 1988 at Scott & White Hospital when I was hired on staff.

Picture of Lloyd Ferreira & George taken at Billy's wedding, 5/3/2008.

Noah&Barbara Noah&Barbara

Drs. Noah and Barbara Harris visiting Adrienne Harris, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy.
Picture (left) taken just outside the East Wing of the White House, 2018.
The picture (right) shows them with their daughter, Adrienne.

Noah and I worked together for several years at Scott and White Memorial Hospital in Temple, Texas.

Noah&Barbara adrienne&Barbara
Noah and Barbara tasting champagne at a winery.
The 2nd photo is a picture of Adrienne and Barbara taken on Mother's day in NYC, 2019.

Adrienne Harris recently gave a keynote address to the students at the Baldwin School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. Below is a you tube link to that speech given.

Linda&GeorgeOn the left is a picture of Erlinda Mares & me taken at Mi Tierra Restaurant in San Antonio. On the right is Linda with her two granddaughters. Linda&granddaughters

Dad and Erica giving out candy on October 31, 2017!

David Lindzey Jordan and Friend On the left is a picture taken at La Margarita Restaurant in San Antonio. David Lindzey was in town for a conference and we met at the restaurant to talk about the 'glory days'. Also joining us was Erica, Jordan and her friend, Ayana. On the right, it looks like the two girls are sharing a margarita. It was ok because they weren't driving!

Dad, Linda, Cynthia, Jordan and Ashley went to 'Painting with a Twist' on April 7, 2018!

Dad gets his Father's Day German chocolate cake from Erica and German Chocolate cupcakes from Cynthia!
Kevin enjoying the cupcake!

Dad celebrates his 67th birthday at Pappadeaux with his girls,
including Sophia who just left the hospital the day before!

David and Kathy Lindzey visit San Antonio.
We all met at the River's Edge restaurant at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio.

Andrew & Erica sent this "Presidential JFK Cake" for father's day.

I met a nice lady at bingo one Sunday. She followed me home.
Sylvia Rodriguez

Proof of vaccination!

George & Connie's lifelong friends from Fort Worth
George's San Antonio Golf Group
Golf Group Photos
Loretta's Chicken Cacciatore recipe
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