Photogalleries: 2020

Photogallery: Michelle turned 31 years old!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 23, 2020 when we got together for Michelle's birthday which was sandwiched in between Jordan's and Kevin's birthdays!

Photogallery: Kevin turned 3; Jordan turned 16 years old.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 24, 2020 when we got together at the Jumpy Place in San Antonio to celebrate Kevin's and Jordan's birthdays!

Photogallery: Jordan becomes a Junior High School student.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on June 3, 2020 to celebrate Jordan's passing from Sophomore to Junior grade in High School!

Photogallery: Dad celebrates his 68th Birthday.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on June 27, 2020 to celebrate!

Photogallery: Fun Family Day.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on July 24, 2020! We've had very little chance to celebrate much with this being a coronavirus-dominated year, but managed to get together for a little fun anyway.

Photogallery: A fun weekend in Glen Rose, Texas.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on August 1-3, 2020! Cynthia, Jordan, Kevin, James, Jennifer and Destiny went to explore Dinosaur Valley State Park.

Photogallery: We ventured out to celebrate Diane Alaquinez's 55th birthday.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on October 17, 2020. We went to Tomatillo's Cafe & Cantina to celebrate for Diane's birthday.

Photogallery: Halloween.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on October 31, 2020. We went to Diane's house to celebrate the holiday.

Photogallery: Stella's first birthday.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on November 9, 2020. We went to Erica and Andrew's house for the celebration.

Photogallery: Thanksgiving at Cynthia's house.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on November 25, 2020. Family Thanksgiving gathering.

Photogallery: Christmas at Cynthia's house.

This photogallery contains pictures taken in late December 2020 for the family Christmas gathering.

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