Photogalleries: 2015

Photogallery: Diane turns 50. Thanksgiving 2015.

This folder contains pictures of Diane Alaquinez's 50th birthday gathering and Thanksgiving 2015 pictures at Tomas and Gidgets' house in San Antonio.

Photogallery: Connie's Pictures

This photogallery contains some of our favorite pictures of Connie.

Photogallery: Old Photos of Resendes Family

This photogallery contains some old pictures of the Resendes Family.

Photogallery: Old Photos of Connie

This photogallery contains some old pictures of the Connie from the 60s and early 70s.

Photogallery: Old Photos of Michelle

This photogallery contains some old pictures of the Michelle between January - June 1989.

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