Photogalleries: 2018

Photogallery: Michael turns the big 50!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on December 30, 2017. We went to Luther's Cafe to celebrate Michael's 50th birthday (January 11, 2018).

Photogallery: Katy Perry Concert!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 10, 2018 and it includes pictures from the Katy Perry Concert that the kids went to.

Photogallery: Michelle turns 29!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 13 & 14, 2018 when we got together to celebrate Michelle's birthday.

Photogallery: Jordan turned 14!

This photogallery contains pictures on two separate occasions to celebrate Jordan's 14th birthday.

Photogallery: Kevin turns 1!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 25, 2018 when Kevin turned one year old.

Photogallery: Little Woodrow's Bar & Grill in San Antonio.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on April 20, 2018 when a bunch of us went out for drinks and fun.

Photogallery: Erica turns 31!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on May 1, 2018 when we celebrated Erica's Birthday.

Photogallery: David turns 50; Jennifer turns 32!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on June 7, 2018 when we celebrated David's and Jennifer's birthdays.

Photogallery: George turns 66!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on July 3, 2018 to celebrate Dad's Birthday. (Born: 07/01/1952)

Photogallery: Kenny's Page.

This photogallery contains pictures put together after July 11, 2018, the day Kenny passed from our lives. May he rest in peace.

Photogallery: Cynthia turns 37!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on September 21, 2018 when we celebrated Cynthia's Birthday.

Photogallery: Taylor Swift Concert: the Reputation Tour!

This photogallery contains pictures taken on October 6-7, 2018. Cynthia, Erica and Jordan went to Arlington to see Taylor Swift in Concert.

Photogallery: Christmas 2018!

This photogallery contains pictures taken in late December during the Christmas holidays!

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