Photogalleries: 2016

Photogallery: A night with Madonna

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 10, 2016. We all met at Hooters and were served by Destiny Alaquinez. Then Michael, Michelle, Erica, Cynthia, Jordan and Jennifer were off to see Madonna at the AT&T Center in San Antonio. Although she came out almost 2 hours and 40 minutes late, she put on a great concert.

Photogallery: Michael and David get married.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 11, 2016. David and Michael appeared before the Justice of the Peace and were married. Michael later changed his name from Michael Kurkendall to Michael Viesca. His new driver's license is seen in the first photo.

Photogallery: Jordan turns 12.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 23, 2016. Jordan and 3 of her school friends went to Monster Mini Golf followed by dinner at the Olive Garden.

Photogallery: Michelle's Birthday. January 2016.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on January 09, 2016. Michelle came into town to celebrate turning 27. We had an outing at TOP GOLF in San Antonio. Of course, I came in first but the big surprise was that Jordan came in a solid second beating all three of my girls. Sad. We had fun and lots of good food. Then we headed home for cake and presents.

Photogallery: Erica's 29th Birthday. May 2016.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on our trip to Fort Worth to see Andrew and his family.

Photogallery: George's 64th Birthday. July 2016.

This photogallery contains pictures taken on July 2, 2016. The girls all met on July 2 to celebrate a combination of Father's day and George's Birthday. We were suppose to have an outing at TOP GOLF in San Antonio, but because of a recent back injury, that was out. Feeling way more than my age of 64, we stayed in to eat pizza and watch a movie and then, of course, I was spoiled with presents and cake.

Photogallery: Boy George and Culture Club concert.

12 of us went to the Boy George Concert at the Tobin Center on August 3, 2016and it was fantastic!

Photogallery: Cynthia turns 35!

We all got together for Cynthia's 35th birthday.

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